Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Still no baby :(

I had a doctors appointment this morning and no baby today. I am now 2 cm dilated but Jayden is still too high for the doctor to help things along. He said if I wanted to though I could be induced this weekend. My body is ready for that and things should go smoothly. Well I told him to have the hospital call me to schedule a date. They still haven't called but I've changed my mind. I was going to be induced this weekend but then decided I'll just wait till the next week when my mom gets here. So my mom flies in next Wednesday and I'll hopefully be induced Wednesday night or Thursday if possible. I am really hoping they can do it Wednesday night. That way the kids will be sleeping and won't really notice we're gone. Its easier for someone to watch them while they are sleeping. My mom doesn't come in till around 4:30 pm. I can't wait for her to be here. Well that is the latest on the baby watch. 

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