Sunday, December 21, 2008

Jayden update

So it looks like Jayden will be in the hospital until Christmas or the day after. He is doing better it is just their policy that they stay for 7 days for antibiotics. I am pretty upset. Not to the fact that he needs antibiotics but the fact that the first doctor we saw when we were admitted here after the transfer told me that best case scenario is 2 days. So we had been hoping that today we could go home. For the past two days we were told lets get him off oxygen so he can go home. He was doing really well today and another doctor came in and when david asked when he can go home she said oh not until 7 days after antiobiotics have started. That would be the day after Christmas. She said that maybe we could go home a day early because its Christmas. I just wish the first doctor would have told us to expect a week and not two days.

I am not too fond of this hospital. It is a childrens hospital and I thought it would be a little better than it is. First of all you have to pay for parking. What kind of hospital makes you pay to be there. I think its ridiculous because they don't even have any short term or emergency parking or anything. It is $5 whether you are there for 1 minute or 8 hours. That is a little much when you are just switching places with your spouse. There are many other things I am not fond with but I won't go into detail.

I am sad that my mom couldn't stay any longer. We just didn't get enough time together. She heads back to Idaho in the morning. It was so nice to have her here and to have her help though. THANK YOU MOM!!!!

So for now we are hoping to be home for Christmas. We have been in the hospital for 1 week which means Jayden has been in a hospital for 10 days out of his 18 day old life. He's my little trooper. As we speak he is off of oxygen. David has been taking him off little by little and having to put him back on and off throughout the day and it paid off. His cannula is now out of his nose and his oxygen levels are 99-100. Great job Jayden!!!Hopefully he doesn't have to be put back on tonight. It is so nice to see his face without stickers and tubes.

Grandma, McKaila and Jayden

In this picture McKaila and Kameron were talking about Jaydens toes. McKaila looks so tiny compared to Kameron. Its just the way he's sitting though (although he does weigh as much as she does if not more).

McKaila really loves Jayden. She was so sweet with him today. This is her first time holding him since she first held him the day he was born. When I was burping him McKaila said "Mommy Jayden has hair on his back".

McKaila said another funny tonight while holding Jayden. Her exact words were "Jayden has monster hair".

1 comment:

Smith Family said...

Oh Rachael! I can't imagine the week you had last week! But these pictures of Jayden in the hospital are precious! Especially the one of just him with his hair sticking STRAIGHT up.:) He has beautiful hair (not monster hair). Toddlers do say the darndest things. lol Hope you guys are getting your rest and everyone is happy and healthy now!!!