Friday, December 5, 2008

Jayden is here.

So after complaining so much :) Jayden has arrived. It was quite a shock to us all. The doc. said he didn't think I would go into labor that night (Tuesday) and I was quite sad. Well on Wednesday morning around 4 a.m. my water broke. David and I got to the hospital around 5:30 a.m. after making sure the kids were taken care of. The nurse was having a hard time confirming my water did indeed break. After being there for an hour she finally got my IV started and I was able to request my epidural. I was in tons of pain and the anesthesiologist was wonderful. I was expecting to feel a lot of pressure when he put in the epidural because that was my experience with my other two. Well this guy was so good I barely even felt the numbing medicine in the beginning. I was 5 cm and the contractions were doing their job and I was progressing nicely. Soon I was 8 cm and shortly after I was ready to push. 
After 5 contractions Jayden Kooper Lee was born. He was born at 12:06 p.m weighing 9 lbs 1 oz. and measuring 20 3/4 inches long. He was almost 2 weeks early and a big boy. He has a head full of hair and he is so cute. He is a little jaundice so we need to take him into the pediatrician on Monday. He has lost a little weight and is 8 lbs 6 oz now. He is such a little chunk and we are enjoying every minute of him. McKaila and Kameron have a cold so we are trying to limit their contact with him. It is hard for McKaila because she is so excited he is here and she wants to hold him all the time. Hopefully they'll et better soon. Enjoy the pictures.


Kellie Black and Boys said...

AHHH!! Congratulations!! You have beautiful children! I can't believe Jayden was over 9 lbs! I can't even imagine having such big babies--when both of mine were only 6 lbs! I hope you are feeling well and recover quickly. Oh man, 3 children cuz--let me know how you fare! Loves!

Owens D.C. said...

Congrats! It was good to talk to you the other day. Glad all are well and what a little adorable chunk :)