Friday, August 1, 2008

The Lake

We had such a great day today. This afternoon we decided to go out on my dads boat. McKaila has been asking to since before we arrived in Idaho. (I forgot to mention- the kids and I flew to Idaho the other day for my sisters wedding. We'll be here a month or so) My older sister, Gina, and her three kids (Isaiah, Kadren and Tyler) decided to join us for a ride. McKaila wanted to stay by her PaPa the whole time. My dad even let her help drive the boat. Kameron had mixed emotions about our adventure. He was sad and crying because he hated having the life jacket on but then he would be fine and screaming with joy when the wind was blowing in his hair. Both McKaila and Kameron had very short naps today. I'm talking ten minutes max when we were driving in the van. They wouldn't go down when I got them up. That added more drama to Kamerons cry. Enjoy the pictures.

Here is Kameron sitting in the boat waiting to go.

McKaila was brave and even jumped on the tube for a ride with her cousins. Left side is Kadren and then Isaiah is holding McKaila and Tyler is on the right side. My dad went really really slow with her on it. She lasted maybe 30 sec. and then she decided she wanted off.

Kameron and I. He was not so happy.

A few minutes later he decided it wasn't so bad. Although he doesn't look too happy in this one he really was.

Isaiah was being very brave and he would stand up on the tube. He looks like he is surfing. He did really well and didn't fall off.

McKaila decided she was getting pretty tired. She didn't fall asleep like this but she was close to it. She loved snuggling up with Papa. If you look closely you can see her eyes.

Before we headed in Isaiah asked if he could jump into the lake. McKaila didn't like the tube so she didn't really have any experience with the water. I asked her if she wanted to get in and she said no at first but then she saw how much fun everyone was having. Isaiah was being such a good helper and making sure she was safe.

About two minutes after we got into the truck this is what I found. He was exhausted. The lack of sleep finally caught up with him. Look at that double chin:) His new nickname is Bruiser.

We had such a good time out today with my family. While my sister and my dad were getting the boat cleaned up and hooked onto the truck I decided to take the kids over to the swimming area. McKaila loves the water and was out in the deeper end with her cousins. I finally took off Kameron's life jacket since I was holding him in the water and he was so happy. He was splashing and laughing and loving the water. Thanks dad for taking us out today.

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