Thursday, August 7, 2008

Life's Challenges

Life has been very tough the last few days. We had some unexpected things happen that have made me too stressed to enjoy life. We are buying a home in Dumfries, VA and we close next friday (my birthday). We were supposed to be getting some down payment assistance for first time home buyers but that fell through (long story). So besides having to come up with a large downpayment now we have also found out that all of our household items being shipped from Bangkok won't arrive until Oct 10 at the earliest. Yup, that means no beds, no cooking utensils, nothing until October. I am thinking that this is way too much for me to handle right now. I know the Lord doesn't give us more than we can handle but this is all taking a toll on me. Besides all of this my little sister is getting married Saturday so I have been extremely busy trying to help my mom with everything.
The kids seem to know I am stressed. Kameron only wants me to hold him all day long. McKaila is refusing to take naps now which means no naps for me. I haven't really been making her take naps which is probably my problem now. Kameron and McKaila are currently sharing a room at my moms house and Kameron will sleep longer if Mckaila isn't in the room. So I keep her up so he can sleep longer because he is extra cranky these days. I need to be strict and make her take naps but with our schedule lately its been hard and honestly I don't have the energy to keep putting her back in bed.
Life is just seeming too difficult these days. I just want to stay in my room and cry all day long. I don't get the pleasure of doing that. I get to take care of my two little smiling faces all day long. Don't get me wrong, I love my children but being a mother is difficult sometimes (I'm sure all mothers will agree). Well if I don't post in the next little bit its because too much is going on and I don't have the time or patience to write. Until next time....


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear you guys made it safely but I'm sorry to hear you're having such a rough time...Oct. is definitely longer than I'd expect for your stuff to arrive! Hang in there and tell the kids Sawyer sends a hug, or a scream or something!

Owens D.C. said...

I'm there for ya and we'll help you out when you're back in town, no worries! Hang in there and we'll be praying for ya!

Anonymous said...

Aw girl, I am so sorry you're having a rough time! I can't believe your stuff won't get there until October :( Sending you a big ole hug that things get better...

nickh said...

Wow tell david that he need to buy a coke (or what ever you like to drink) with flowers, and candy.

I would love to have one after all that sorry to here about that. i wish i could help.