Thursday, August 21, 2008

My bald boy

So I had some issues today. I really needed to trim Kamerons hair because it was getting long and his ears had those wings around it. You all know what I'm talking about right? So I got the scissors and started trimming. Well the scissors weren't that sharp and he kept wanting to play. So I finally asked my mom for her buzzer. I look through the blade sizes and find one that I think looks right. I read the number 1/4 " on it. For some reason I was thinking more like 1 inch. I don't know. Anyways I started at the middle of his head. After I started that one line I realized it was too late. My poor baby was going to be bald. I felt so bad. He does look cute but I buzzed off all of his hair :( Here is a picture of him afterwards. He doesn't seem to mind the breeze on his scalp. Look through the other pictures to see how much I really cut off. It was a lot. Poor guy. I don' t know what was going through my head. Probably all the stress from today.

1 comment:

Smith Family said...

AWE, Rachael, he looks SO cute! And, since it's still August, it's a great summer hair cut! It looks intentional & it will grow back.:) I love it. In fact, if I had boys, I think that is how I would keep their hair all the time! How are you doing?