Monday, November 5, 2007

We're in Japan!!!

We are in Japan for a layover. What an adventure these last two days have been. We started our adventure to Bangkok on November 3rd. We are at the check in counter checking in and the lady tells us that our flight out of Boise (going to San Francisco) might be delayed up to an hour. Normally this wouldn't be too horrible but we only had a 59 minute layover in San Fran originally. So we flew to San Francisco, missed our layover and had to stay the night in a hotel. It is now 12:34 a.m. Idaho time on November 5th. We are currently in Tokyo, Japan waiting to head to Bangkok. We still have another 2 hours until our flight leaves. The kids did pretty well on this last flight. It was about 11 hours or so. Our flight from Tokyo to Bangkok is about another 6 hours or so. I thought our flight was 21 hours but I guess that is with the layovers included.
We had such a wonderful time in Idaho visiting with our family and friends. It was sad to leave everyone. We went to Utah to visit some family and friends. I'll have to post pictures later of our trips and pictures of the kids. The camera isn't handy right now. It is actually pretty nice here. We are in the red carpet club lounge and they have a special family room. We have a room all to ourselves. It has a tv, movies, toys, and books. We also have our own little bathroom in here and it has two toilets. One for adults and one for kids. I know it isn't anything special but the little toilet is so cute.
The kids are getting so big now. McKaila just got her first hair cut. I'll have to post pictures later of that too. Her hair was always in her face if I didn't put it up in pigtails or a ponytail. So my sister-in-law Karia cut her hair. It is so cute. Kameron is 7 months old now. It is hard to believe. They grow so fast. He loves his big sister. She comes around and he just starts laughing. Well McKaila is climbing on my lap so I guess its time to get off.

1 comment:

Owens D.C. said...

YEAH!!!!!!!!! I can't wait for the pictures :) Glad your travels are going well.