Friday, November 16, 2007

I'm getting there

I am starting to catch up on my blogs now. The kids are being perfect angels for the time being. We'll see how long this lasts. McKaila took a 2 hour nap today. Lately it has only been an hour long nap and today it was 2. Yeah McKaila. Of course Kameron slept about 2 1/2 hours. He loves his sleep.
Well that didn't last long. McKaila dumped her chips all over the ground. It wouldn't be such a bad thing except we don't have a vaccuum. I just swept the carpets with a broom trying to get some stuff of the carpets.
Well I can't post pictures yet of McKaila's first hair cut until after December 2nd. The reason for that being is that my sister-in-law Karia, cut her hair in her kitchen. For those who don't remember she and her family received the Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. I can't post any pictures of the inside of the house until it airs. Isn't it beautiful? For those who would like to watch their episode, it will be airing on December 2nd on ABC.

We should hopefully have a Christmas this year (fingers crossed). The reason I say that is all of the presents and tree and decorations are all on the sea travling from Germany to here. I just called the government shipping office and I believe she said the boat with our stuff should dock on the 24th of November. Then it takes about two weeks more to clear customs and whatnot and then we have to schedule for it to be delivered. It is cutting it close. I think the first boxes we'll open will be the tree :) Christmas is my favorite holiday. I love decorating and singing Christmas songs and baking goodies. I'm sad that I can't decorate sooner but I can't do anything about it. We also have word that hopefully we'll be moving into the townhouse the first week of December. I know you are probably laughing with all the hopefully's and maybe's but nothing is certain with the government. David is also scheduled to work over Christmas. I don't know if I mentioned that in a previous post or not but he is supposed to be gone like December 20-Jan 4 or something like that. Hopefully the trip will get canceled so we can have Christmas on Christmas. I know the kids won't know and really won't care but I would like it to be. Here a few more pictures of the kidlets playing around. Their happiness is wearing off quick.
He is always giving me big smiles.

McKaila loves to sit by her brother.

She was being goofy and didn't want to cooperate with the camera.

Holding sister's blanket and sucking his two fingers. Could life get any better?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your kids (so my like 10th cousins?!?!) are the CUTEST things ever!!! McKaila looks just like you and Kameron is just so stinkin adorable! I'm glad you are safe and doing well!