Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. We had a great Thanksgiving. David and I have been talking about getting another laptop. The reason being is that he is going on this cargo ship for 3 weeks and can't take our one and only laptop. He can't do that because otherwise I won't have any way of contacting my family or checking emails. We still don't have our home computer but hopefully the ship docked today. So we are still another two weeks out. Anyway... since David wouldn't be able to take the laptop he would have no way of contacting me and no way of watching movies, playing games, etc... So today we went out and bought ME a new laptop. YEAH!!!! I am really excited. Now we can communicate with each other while he is gone.
I found out today that we won't be moving into our townhouse until Dec. 14th now. I was hoping to move into the house while David was gone. It would help keep me busy for 3 weeks. He comes home on the 15th of December. I am hoping my mother-in-law will be able to come and visit me while David is gone.
So back to Thanksgiving day. We had our first ride on a tuk-tuk today. For those of you who don't know this is a tuk-tuk :) It kind of looks big in this picture but that is because I was standing close to it. They are pretty little.

We had quite the experience. It was really cheap though. After we bought our laptop we decided to take a take a ride home so we could get dinner started. With tuk-tuks the price is negotiated before they take you to where you want. So they asked us where we were going and how much we would pay. We told them where we lived and said 40 baht. That is what we would pay a taxi so I don't know why we said we'd pay that much. Anyways he told us he would charge us 10 baht and he'd make one stop. If the drivers take people to this certain store, the store will give the drivers a coupon for free gas. So we said what the heck. We went to this jewelry store and looked around. Then we headed home. At first the tuk-tuk didn't seem so bad. The weather was nice so it wasn't extremely hot in it. I know why you don't take tuk-tuks too often though. Once you hit heavy traffic all you can smell is the exhaust. It was horrible. It was fun to finally take a tuk-tuk though.
We didn't really have big plans for Thanksgiving. We were going to have some potatoes and a little chicken. We can't fit a turkey in the oven here. It is really tiny. So we got a little chicken. Its about the size of the chicken you can buy in Albertsons or Walmart. You know the cooked ones ready to go. As we headed home a friend from church called and invited us over for dinner. We hadn't even started cooking so we decided to go over to their place. The food was great. There were lots of people there too.
In the spirit of Thanksgiving I want to list some things I am grateful for.
*I'm grateful for my loving husband David. He is such a wonderful man.
*I'm grateful for two beautiful children in which I can't imagine my life without them.
*I'm grateful for the health that I have as well as my families great health.
*I'm thankful for temples. Without them my family wouldn't be able to be together for eternity.
*I'm grateful for my parents and my siblings. They have put up with me all these years and still love me. They all made me the person I am today.
*I'm thankful for all of my friends. For cheering me up when I needed it most or just being there for me.

There is a lot of things I didn't list but I could go on forever. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. Our lives get extremely busy during this time of year but please stop and remember what you are most grateful for.

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