Monday, June 25, 2007

Such a small world

We had such a fun weekend. On Saturday we went out bowling with the missionaries. I was having a crummy day and didn't feel like playing so David bowled with them while I shopped :) I think I got the better deal. The missionaries were so excited to eat at Taco Bell. The only american food on the economy in Frankfurt is McDonald's, Burger King, and Pizza Hut. On Sunday after church, our good friends came and played games at our house. We played "Catch Phrase". It was so much fun. My stomach hurt from laughing so hard. We are sad that the Spilker's are leaving in just 31 days. We have decided that we are going to go to Europa-Park all together before they leave. We will hopefully be going next weekend, July 6 and go for a couple days. They have the highest and biggest rollercoaster in Europe. I am so excited to go. I can't wait.
So anyways. My uncle Glenn passed away in November of last year. I have his picture on my fridge. Michelle asked me "How do you know Glenn Kirkendall?" I said he is my uncle. She used to babysit my uncle Glenn and my uncle Pete. Isn't it such a small world. She grew up right around the corner from where my dad grew up. Her dad was the bishop of their ward. Glenn's wife and two kids just flew into Germany yesterday. They are on their way to Paris right now. Anyways I went and picked them up yesterday and we had dinner over at our house. It was so nice to catch up with them and see them again. They'll be back next week to hang out some more though. I had such an exhausting day. You can tell by the picture. Kameron had a horrible night and I was falling asleep in church. I had to leave sacrement meeting just to get fresh air to try and keep me awake.
We have to go again on Friday for more shots. This time David and I have our last rabies shot and Kameron has his three month shots. He gets 5 diff. shots. Poor baby. Well gotta run, Kameron is upset.

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