Friday, June 22, 2007

My first day out!!!

Today was my first day out without the kids. It was so nice. David got home early this morning. The kids and I met him at the consulate so David and I could get more shots. I wanted to go out to the base without David so I could buy him some birthday presents without him knowing what they are. I planned on going yesterday while he was still out of town but the weather was horrible. So he offered to watch the kids today so I could go by myself. It was so weird. I almost didn't know what to do with myself. I just went to the base but it was relaxing. Atleast until the drive home. It has been really rainy and it poured on my way home. Everyone was driving really slow because you couldn't see the car in front of you even. I hate driving in the rain. I'm surprised I didn't have a heart attack. I was gripping the wheel. It was scary because I was hydroplaning(sp). I finally made it home safe and sound. It was perfect timing. I had fed Kameron right before I walked out the door and he was crying when I walked in. Needless to say he was hungry. Don't worry, I left milk with David just in case.

David had a lot of fun with the kids today. They went to the park and McKaila drank bubbles when no one was looking. Then she got some in her eyes. She had sand all over her as well. David loved taking her to the park though. All the women were jealous that David took the kids and let me have some time to myself. They wish their husbands would do that. What can I say? I got a good one :) McKaila was so worn out after the park that she had fallen asleep in her highchair. She has never done that before. David noticed it was quiet and went into the dining room and she was out.


The Smith Family said...

McKaila looks SO cute asleep in her high chair! haha She must have been worn out.

Owens D.C. said...

Glad to have you join the blogging world! It is great fun and you'll soon find yourself addicted. The kids are getting bigger by the minute. I'm holding out for you to move back here. Talk to you soon!