David is still gone. He was supposed to be home yesterday (Thursday) and now he won't be home until Saturday. Some things happened and the o
ffice didn't change his plane tickets. We all had doctor appointments today (except McKaila) so I had to find a sitter to watch McKaila.
So I got to the doctors office today and it wasn't as bad as I thought. David and I don't have our third rabies shot till the 16th of July now. When I talked to them on the phone they were confused. I did get the HPV shot today though. I had my appointment and that was all we had to do there. Kameron doesn't have an appointment and shots till 4 months. THey originally told me 3 months. I did weigh him today though. He is about 14 lbs now. He was 14.1 lbs but he had on a wet diaper and lots of clothes. T
hey usually weigh him in his birthday suit. Needless to say he is a big boy. Much bigger than McKaila was at this age. He is adorable though. He is happy most of the time.
Kameron got a new swing. We bought him a papason swing and he loves it. McKaila does too. She loves to climb in it. Well McKaila is in the window seal again. Better go get her down.