Thursday, December 6, 2007

Kameron's First Haircut

I finally cut Kameron's hair. It was pretty long. The hairs above his ears always stuck straight out. I was hoping to wait till David got home but it needed to be done. I was pretty nervous considering I don't cut hair but it turned out cute. Atleast I think so. He kept moving his head so it took me about 45 minutes to cut his little hair. Then today I had to fix some pieces.
8 more days till David is home. I cannot wait. I am more excited for him to come home than I am excited for Christmas, and I love Christmas. It seems like he has been gone for so long. I have to try and keep myself busy so I don't think about 8 more days.

McKaila has definetly hit the terrible two's. She has changed since we've been in Bangkok. She used to not be shy around strangers and now she is. I think it is because so many Thai's want to touch her and see her that she has become annoyed and now she spits at people. Nice huh. She doesn't spit spit though, it is more of a blowing raspberries type of blowing but it is horrible. Everytime Janet, the nanny, comes in the house McKaila does that to her. I thought it was just the nanny but we were in the elevator and some Thai lady was saying hi to her and how cute she was and McKaila did her little spitting thing. I am so embaressed by it. Oh and she bit the nanny yesterday while I was out shopping. She even left a bruise on her arm. I asked the nanny if McKaila was being mean or just playing and she said just playing. Still I felt so bad. McKaila shouldn't even play bite. AAHHHH!!!!!! What am I going to do with this child? Well, enjoy the pictures of Kamerons new hair.

After (his hair is just spiky in the second one to show how much was cut off. It looks uneven but thats because half of his hair was wet and the other half was dry so it didn't spike very well)

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