Tuesday, January 15, 2008

McKaila's 2nd Birthday

McKaila turned 2 years old yesterday. Where has the past 2 years gone? We decided to go to Safari World to celebrate. For the past two weeks she has been asking to see elephants. We decided we would do it for her birthday so we told her that when she asked. Everyday for the past two weeks she has been saying "elephants monday" and "elephants birthday". We went into her room on her birthday to sing to her and when we were done she said "elephants monday." We told her that today is monday and we are going and she got so happy. It was the cutest thing.
We were at Safari World for 7 hours. The kids did so well. McKaila had a little breakdown but it was because she kept playing with the umbrella on the stroller and she was told not to. Other than that no problems. Kameron had a few breakdowns but that was to be expected. He woke up at 8 and he didn't take a nap until 4:30 as we were leaving the park. He usually is going down for his second nap of the day at 4:30. He slept for maybe 10 minutes. They were so worn out. We saw so much at the park. I only posted a few pictures but that is because we had so many pictures I only picked a few of my favorites. When we first got to the park our driver drove us around in "Safari Park". There were a bunch of animals just roaming around. We saw ostrich's (which were pecking at our window), zebras, giraffes, rhino's, bears and much more. We also saw tigers and lions being fed. Inside "Marine Park" we saw a sea lion show, elephant show, dolphin and belluga whale show and a stuntman cowboy show. We had such a blast on our little trip. I hope McKaila can remember this for years to come. Enjoy the pictures.
Kameron is such a goof ball. This is him playing around while we were waiting for the dolphin/belluga whale show to start.

Here is David petting a giraffe. He found out that their favorite spot is by their ears. It was so cute. He would pet by their ears and they would turn their head a little bit more towards David. I knew that giraffes had long tongues but my goodness. They were really long. McKaila got to feed the giraffes bananas.

This was McKaila's favorite part of the day. She looks a little frightened here because the elephants trunk came up but she quickly got over it. The man gave her a carrot to feed to the elephant and McKaila threw it in front of the elephant :) Since yesterday McKaila says "ride elephant" all day long.

Here is Kameron with a trainer sitting on top of an elephant. Kameron loved it.

Here we are holding two baby tigers. It was so much fun to hold them and feed them. The bottle for the tiger David was holding was out of milk so the tiger kept trying to get milk from the bottle for my tiger. The kids loved them. I don't know what is up with my face in this picture.

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