Time has just flown by this last year. Kameron is 6 months old today. He had his doctors appointment and he isn't as big as I though he was. He was 26 1/2 inches long and only 15 lbs 13 oz. Once again that was with a wet diaper and clothes on. So he hasn't doubled his birth weight yet. The nurse was calling him a horse. I don't think that is that big actually. Some of the other babies his age are weighing in at almost 21 lbs. This one 6 month old weighs 25 lbs already. McKaila doesn't even weigh that much. He had 6 different shots today. Only 3 pokes though and then one was an oral medication. He handled it like a champ.
Only two more days here and we are done. I am excited and sad at the same time. We have made a lot of friends here and I am sad to leave them. However, I am excited to get to Bangkok. Moving can be really expensive. This being our first real move with this job it was quite a shock. We just had to pay $1800 for Davids work cell phone bill. If he missed paying for a phone call they don't add it up till the end. That also includes outprocessing fees. My stomach is still hurting from this one. David called me from a country and we talked maybe 20 minutes and it cost us nearly $270. I didn't know it was that expensive but I can say that isn't happening anymore.
Our inspection of the house went well. We don't owe for any of the furniture or any damage done to anything. We just had to pay for two lost keys. Each key was about $70 though. Man this job is expensive.
We found out more about our housing in Bangkok. We thought we'd have high rise apartment buildings. It turnes out we are getting a house. Its about 1600 square feet. So its a decent size. It has 5 bathrooms, 3 bedrooms, a maids quarters, and a study. It looks really pretty from the pictures we have seen. Speaking of pictures. Here are a few of the kids. Sorry I'm not posting that many but its harder from the laptop.
Can you see his two teeth?