Monday, August 6, 2007

Daddy's Shoes

We finally had nice weather today. It was about 85 degrees today. Kameron was finally able to wear shorts. He went through about 3 outfits today. He had some diaper blowouts. So I had a lot of laundry to do today. We had a BBQ for dinner and played frisbee for a while. It was fun. McKaila even tried playing frisbee with David and I. She would get the frisbee and walk it to us instead of throwing it.

McKaila was finally able to go swimming in her pool today. She had a fun time playing with all of her bath toys in there. She drank some Oxy Deep Carpet Cleaner today. We always lock the cupboard under the kitchen sink. We must have forgotten to lock it after getting a dishwasher tablet out. Anyways, McKaila goes into the kitchen to throw something away. She took a little bit longer so we call her name and she starts crying. She comes out to see us and she seems fine. David was snuggling with her and said she smelled good. She smelled like laundry soap he said. Well I go into the kitchen to see if she had pulled down laundry detergent and then I see the bottle of Oxy Deep. She likes to suck out the water in the spray bottle when I have to wet her crazy hair down. I read the label on the back of the Oxy Deep and it says to have them drink lots and lots of water. So we are trying to get her to drink a lot of water. David was trying everything. Using a syringe, a straw, anything to get her to drink it. Then she threw up everywhere. I am glad it is out of her system. This is the first time that she has really thrown up and not just spit up. It was nasty. We had to give her a bath and wash the couch cushions. Of course it got all over David as well. She was shakey after it was all over with. That was our drama of the day and hopefully for the whole week.

I finally feel like we are starting the process of moving. David has been doing everything so far because all that has needed to be done was paperwork. Hopefully tomorrow we are going into the embassy to get our visa pictures taken so we can get our Thai visas. I am going to try and find my visa picture so thats one less we have to pay for. Kameron might still have one and he still looks the same. McKaila will need a new one because she isn't a baby anymore :( Well I will leave you with some pictures from the last couple of days.

McKaila loves to wear her daddy's shoes.

Kameron all ready for church.

McKaila playing in the water.

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