I have some great and exciting news. David and I are expecting baby #3. Yep, I'm pregnant again. This bundle of joy is expected in mid December. Right in time for taxes :) Jks. According to my calculations the baby is due December 17 but I'll know for sure when I see the doctor.
I already have been feeling the morning sickness a little bit. Not bad yet though. Just kinda nautious. I have been having a little cramping because of implantation but other than that I am doing alright. I have been really tired and that was the big lightbulb for me that I was pregnant. I slept till 8 one morning and I never wake up that late. I am usually up by 7:30. I know that isn't a big difference but for me it was. I have also been needing to take naps when the kids nap just to be able to function in the afternoon.
It is still in the air (according to David) but it looks like I'll be delivering here in Thailand rather than going back to the states. I would love to deliver here but David wants to go home for it. I just can't see doing that with 3 kids. Even though the money sounds nice. I'll keep everyone posted with how things go.