Monday, June 29, 2009

Family Photos

We were able to get some really good family shots. These were all taken with our camera :) We had a friend take the family shot of everyone together. If David is in the picture, I was taking the picture. If I was in the picture he was taking the picture. I have to say I am pretty impressed with how they all turned out. We were sad that we were missing Ryan and Caden though. 

Davids family

David and his siblings. Stefani is on the left and Karia is on the right

The Grandparents and their Grandbabies (minus Caden)

Davids parents

The Rogers (minus Caden)

The Stockdales (minus Ryan) 

The whole gang (minus Ryan and Caden)

The ladies

The guys in the family (minus Ryan and Caden)


Melissa said...

Great pictures! Who took them? I think it's SO sad that Ryan isn't in any. I hope he recovers and they get another family picture again soon...

Rachael said...

David and I took them. If I wasn't in the picture and David was then I was taking them and vice versa.