Thursday, November 13, 2008


Here are a few pictures of the kids on Halloween this year. We went trick-or-treating to a few houses on our street and then headed to our church for the ward trunk-or-treat. McKaila was a monkey and Kameron was a chicken. They did really well with keeping the candy in there buckets. On occasion they just wanted to sit down and enjoy some of their hard work. I was surprised with how much candy they ended up with at the end of the night. When McKaila woke up the next morning the first thing she said was "I stayed in my bed, I get candy." Not a "good morning mom" or anything else.  A while ago we were having issues with nap time and she was told that if she stayed in bed and took a nap she could have a snack when she woke up. Now that snack has become candy according to Kaila. She learned quickly though it doesn't work that way. Enjoy the pictures. We had a blast.

When he would walk his little but would shake. It was adorable.

McKaila and Kameron sitting in the leaves. 

McKaila was putting leaves inside her bucket.

McKaila enjoying some homemade rootbeer at the ward trunk or treat.

1 comment:

Kellie Black and Boys said...

You have some seriously adorable children!!!