Kameron was a little confused with the Santa penguin.
Here is Santa in the fish tank.
McKaila petting a real snake. I was surprised that she actually touched it. She was also trying to squeeze it. We are working on that one :)
Kameron was a little confused with the Santa penguin.
Here is Santa in the fish tank.
McKaila petting a real snake. I was surprised that she actually touched it. She was also trying to squeeze it. We are working on that one :)
After (his hair is just spiky in the second one to show how much was cut off. It looks uneven but thats because half of his hair was wet and the other half was dry so it didn't spike very well)
My handsome little boy.
She has the cutest smile when she wants to smile.
Ronald McDonald is giving the Wai. Sawadeeka Ronald!
Mmmmm. These are some good toes.
We should hopefully have a Christmas this year (fingers crossed). The reason I say that is all of the presents and tree and decorations are all on the sea travling from Germany to here. I just called the government shipping office and I believe she said the boat with our stuff should dock on the 24th of November. Then it takes about two weeks more to clear customs and whatnot and then we have to schedule for it to be delivered. It is cutting it close. I think the first boxes we'll open will be the tree :) Christmas is my favorite holiday. I love decorating and singing Christmas songs and baking goodies. I'm sad that I can't decorate sooner but I can't do anything about it. We also have word that hopefully we'll be moving into the townhouse the first week of December. I know you are probably laughing with all the hopefully's and maybe's but nothing is certain with the government. David is also scheduled to work over Christmas. I don't know if I mentioned that in a previous post or not but he is supposed to be gone like December 20-Jan 4 or something like that. Hopefully the trip will get canceled so we can have Christmas on Christmas. I know the kids won't know and really won't care but I would like it to be. Here a few more pictures of the kidlets playing around. Their happiness is wearing off quick.
He is always giving me big smiles.
She was being goofy and didn't want to cooperate with the camera.
Holding sister's blanket and sucking his two fingers. Could life get any better?
Kameron didn't like the paint on his nose. He kept rubbing it off. It made a pretty big mess.
McKaila playing her ring toss game. Good job McKaila.
McKaila on her bobby car"
McKaila went down this huge slide all by herself. It really is big. I screamed going down it the first time.This slide was little but steep. Everytime they would go down it they would hit the ground with their bottoms and then keep bouncing.
He thinks my tractor's sexy :)
Kameron in the ball pit.
McKaila in the ball pit.
My sweet children and I. Yes, McKaila is picking her nose.
Stop and smell the flowers. In this case the leaves. It looks like a flower in the picture but the white is actually from her shirt.
McKaila sporting the new hat daddy got her from Switzerland. It say's "Bad Girl" on it and has a little cow.